
Little Sugar Addicts

Some Useful Resources

This page lists many things that you may find helpful. Some of the links will direct you to our parent website, Radiant Recovery®.  The content provided on that website is in line with this one, and the resources are available for your use.

Shake is our secret weapon.  

The basic shake recipe includes milk, the right grams of protein powder (not soy), and some baby oatmeal. We use cow, almond, or oat. You can use goat milk or rice milk or even hemp milk if your child likes it. But, do not give your children soy milk.

Here are a few ideas for flavors to get you started:

  1. Pina Colada:
    Add pineapple and coconut.
  2. Chocolate shake:
    Whey protein powder and chocolate almond milk. Try adding flavorings, like banana or raspberry. Heat this shake up for a program friendly hot chocolate on cold, snowy days.
  3. Power* milk:
    Whey protein powder and milk of your choice. Pour Power milk over cold cereal, such as Cheerios. You could even try adding some flavorings like maple and cinnamon.
  4. Berry shake:
    Basic shake recipe and frozen berries of your choice.
  5. Apple crisp:
    Basic shake recipe, precooked oatmeal, red delicious apple, walnuts and ½ tsp cinnamon.
  6. Praline Shake:
    Basic shake recipe, banana, pecans, and maple flavoring.
  7. Pumpkin or sweet potato shake:
    Basic shake recipe, frozen sweet potato and/or pumpkin (freeze in ice-cube trays), vanilla / cinnamon / nutmeg / or pumpkin pie spice for flavoring
  8. Elvis:
    Shake recipe using chocolate almond milk, oats, banana, and peanut butter.
  9. Orange Dreamsicle:
    Basic shake recipe using milk of your choice, 1/4 cup frozen orange juice concentrate,1/3 frozen banana and a handful of ice. You could even substitute some yogurt to give it a bit of tang.

Make sure and visit the Breakfast list if you need extra support or would like to find even more ideas on how to make shakes!

Please note that I recommend George's® Restore because it is pure whey protein isolate and has no sweeteners or additives of any kind. I made it for kids. 

Other Resources

Find many more reources at

  • Learn more about the program for yourself
  • Doing the steps for Adults
  • Resources for Parents